March 14, 2021

Even though things are starting to look a lot brighter for more travel freedom this summer, it still seems like we are going to be enjoying staycations for another year. Although there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying the gorgeous destinations across the UK, it can be a little disheartening that we can’t venture further afield, but I’m sure a wonderfully soft teddy bear can help brighten up your staycation. You can then present your child with a meaningful keepsake of the staycation that they will treasure implicitly, and I’m sure the parents will love the keepsake bear just as much.
Taking Teddy Bears on Vacation
We are not sure when the world first latched on to the idea of taking teddy bears on holiday, but we have uncovered some heart-warming examples of the lengths some people and companies go to in order to ensure safe travels for precious teddy bears!
Teddy Bear Check-In
One airline even started to do teddy bear check-ins for children travelling with their favourite soft toy to avoid the trauma of teddy being left behind on the plane or on the baggage carousel. This enchanting idea ensures the airline can reunite the teddy with owner in case it was lost in the excitement of being on holiday.
Teddy Express Service
Lost Bears are also returned to owners if left behind in holiday properties via a service called the Teddy Express at VRBO whereby parents can post on the VRBO social media pages identifying which property the toy was left behind in. Sometimes there is no limit on the lengths parents go to in order to rescue lost teddy bears avoiding the distress to young children.
Sending Teddy Bears on Holiday!
Some enterprising travel agencies have even started to offer to take your bear on vacation and send you photos of the trip before sending your teddy home! This is currently offered in Lapland where the teddy bears get to visit Santa Claus and in Japan where there is a standard or luxury journey available. Not as crazy as it first seems, seeing their favourite soft toy on holiday can encourage an anxious child to be more adventurous.
Our travel teddy bears
At Grin & Bear, we have a wide range of teddy bears which would be the perfect companion for
any child embarking on a staycation over the next few months. We even offer teddy bears with their own passport, as we think each of our bears deserves to travel with their own documentation, and it can even help you keep track of their adventures. Even if you are just planning on staying at home this year, teddy bears will be happy to join you on your local journeys and follow your adventures with you - as they deserve to travel with you on your real and imaginary holidays. Teddy Bears Jet, Icon London and Icon New York are the obvious bears to travel with but all of our teddy bears like a bit of an adventure!
Teddy bears are a comforting friend
The world has been locked down for such a long time, so it may seem like a daunting experience for your little ones when venturing to new places - especially when staying in a new holiday home or hotel in an unfamiliar destination. Why not purchase them a teddy bear to combat any fears they may have? As simple as they may seem, teddy bears are such a comforting presence for a child and can help them feel connected in a more personal way, which is so important when they are feeling nervous or unsure of their surroundings. From a child’s perspective, they can express emotions and feelings they cannot otherwise do with their teddy bear, and it will almost certainly become their best friend.
Travel teddy bear passport offer
Remember you are never too old to have a teddy, and at Grin & Bear, we have the perfect deal for you where you can purchase a teddy bear, alongside their very own teddy bear passport. For a limited time, any teddy bear purchased together with a teddy bear passport is automatically given a 10% discount on the whole order using the code TRAVEL10 at checkout. You can rest assured that each of the bears that Michael designs and handmakes is 100% safe for children, so when paired with a teddy bear passport, it would make the perfect accompaniment for any UK staycation, and all future adventures.
If you would like to learn more about the range of teddy bears across the Grin & Bear website, or even a bespoke project, Michael would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. The bears can even be customised by adding embroidery or a unique personal touch, our goal is to bring to life your unique teddy bear and ensure it reflects the things you hold closest to your heart. Feel free to complete the contact form on his website, and Michael will get back to you as soon as possible.
March 14, 2021

Even though things are starting to look a lot brighter for more travel freedom this summer, it still seems like we are going to be enjoying staycations for another year. Although there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying the gorgeous destinations across the UK, it can be a little disheartening that we can’t venture further afield, but I’m sure a wonderfully soft teddy bear can help brighten up your staycation. You can then present your child with a meaningful keepsake of the staycation that they will treasure implicitly, and I’m sure the parents will love the keepsake bear just as much.
Taking Teddy Bears on Vacation
We are not sure when the world first latched on to the idea of taking teddy bears on holiday, but we have uncovered some heart-warming examples of the lengths some people and companies go to in order to ensure safe travels for precious teddy bears!
Teddy Bear Check-In
One airline even started to do teddy bear check-ins for children travelling with their favourite soft toy to avoid the trauma of teddy being left behind on the plane or on the baggage carousel. This enchanting idea ensures the airline can reunite the teddy with owner in case it was lost in the excitement of being on holiday.
Teddy Express Service
Lost Bears are also returned to owners if left behind in holiday properties via a service called the Teddy Express at VRBO whereby parents can post on the VRBO social media pages identifying which property the toy was left behind in. Sometimes there is no limit on the lengths parents go to in order to rescue lost teddy bears avoiding the distress to young children.
Sending Teddy Bears on Holiday!
Some enterprising travel agencies have even started to offer to take your bear on vacation and send you photos of the trip before sending your teddy home! This is currently offered in Lapland where the teddy bears get to visit Santa Claus and in Japan where there is a standard or luxury journey available. Not as crazy as it first seems, seeing their favourite soft toy on holiday can encourage an anxious child to be more adventurous.
Our travel teddy bears
At Grin & Bear, we have a wide range of teddy bears which would be the perfect companion for
any child embarking on a staycation over the next few months. We even offer teddy bears with their own passport, as we think each of our bears deserves to travel with their own documentation, and it can even help you keep track of their adventures. Even if you are just planning on staying at home this year, teddy bears will be happy to join you on your local journeys and follow your adventures with you - as they deserve to travel with you on your real and imaginary holidays. Teddy Bears Jet, Icon London and Icon New York are the obvious bears to travel with but all of our teddy bears like a bit of an adventure!
Teddy bears are a comforting friend
The world has been locked down for such a long time, so it may seem like a daunting experience for your little ones when venturing to new places - especially when staying in a new holiday home or hotel in an unfamiliar destination. Why not purchase them a teddy bear to combat any fears they may have? As simple as they may seem, teddy bears are such a comforting presence for a child and can help them feel connected in a more personal way, which is so important when they are feeling nervous or unsure of their surroundings. From a child’s perspective, they can express emotions and feelings they cannot otherwise do with their teddy bear, and it will almost certainly become their best friend.
Travel teddy bear passport offer
Remember you are never too old to have a teddy, and at Grin & Bear, we have the perfect deal for you where you can purchase a teddy bear, alongside their very own teddy bear passport. For a limited time, any teddy bear purchased together with a teddy bear passport is automatically given a 10% discount on the whole order using the code TRAVEL10 at checkout. You can rest assured that each of the bears that Michael designs and handmakes is 100% safe for children, so when paired with a teddy bear passport, it would make the perfect accompaniment for any UK staycation, and all future adventures.
If you would like to learn more about the range of teddy bears across the Grin & Bear website, or even a bespoke project, Michael would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. The bears can even be customised by adding embroidery or a unique personal touch, our goal is to bring to life your unique teddy bear and ensure it reflects the things you hold closest to your heart. Feel free to complete the contact form on his website, and Michael will get back to you as soon as possible.
March 14, 2021

Even though things are starting to look a lot brighter for more travel freedom this summer, it still seems like we are going to be enjoying staycations for another year. Although there is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying the gorgeous destinations across the UK, it can be a little disheartening that we can’t venture further afield, but I’m sure a wonderfully soft teddy bear can help brighten up your staycation. You can then present your child with a meaningful keepsake of the staycation that they will treasure implicitly, and I’m sure the parents will love the keepsake bear just as much.
Taking Teddy Bears on Vacation
We are not sure when the world first latched on to the idea of taking teddy bears on holiday, but we have uncovered some heart-warming examples of the lengths some people and companies go to in order to ensure safe travels for precious teddy bears!
Teddy Bear Check-In
One airline even started to do teddy bear check-ins for children travelling with their favourite soft toy to avoid the trauma of teddy being left behind on the plane or on the baggage carousel. This enchanting idea ensures the airline can reunite the teddy with owner in case it was lost in the excitement of being on holiday.
Teddy Express Service
Lost Bears are also returned to owners if left behind in holiday properties via a service called the Teddy Express at VRBO whereby parents can post on the VRBO social media pages identifying which property the toy was left behind in. Sometimes there is no limit on the lengths parents go to in order to rescue lost teddy bears avoiding the distress to young children.
Sending Teddy Bears on Holiday!
Some enterprising travel agencies have even started to offer to take your bear on vacation and send you photos of the trip before sending your teddy home! This is currently offered in Lapland where the teddy bears get to visit Santa Claus and in Japan where there is a standard or luxury journey available. Not as crazy as it first seems, seeing their favourite soft toy on holiday can encourage an anxious child to be more adventurous.
Our travel teddy bears
At Grin & Bear, we have a wide range of teddy bears which would be the perfect companion for
any child embarking on a staycation over the next few months. We even offer teddy bears with their own passport, as we think each of our bears deserves to travel with their own documentation, and it can even help you keep track of their adventures. Even if you are just planning on staying at home this year, teddy bears will be happy to join you on your local journeys and follow your adventures with you - as they deserve to travel with you on your real and imaginary holidays. Teddy Bears Jet, Icon London and Icon New York are the obvious bears to travel with but all of our teddy bears like a bit of an adventure!
Teddy bears are a comforting friend
The world has been locked down for such a long time, so it may seem like a daunting experience for your little ones when venturing to new places - especially when staying in a new holiday home or hotel in an unfamiliar destination. Why not purchase them a teddy bear to combat any fears they may have? As simple as they may seem, teddy bears are such a comforting presence for a child and can help them feel connected in a more personal way, which is so important when they are feeling nervous or unsure of their surroundings. From a child’s perspective, they can express emotions and feelings they cannot otherwise do with their teddy bear, and it will almost certainly become their best friend.
Travel teddy bear passport offer
Remember you are never too old to have a teddy, and at Grin & Bear, we have the perfect deal for you where you can purchase a teddy bear, alongside their very own teddy bear passport. For a limited time, any teddy bear purchased together with a teddy bear passport is automatically given a 10% discount on the whole order using the code TRAVEL10 at checkout. You can rest assured that each of the bears that Michael designs and handmakes is 100% safe for children, so when paired with a teddy bear passport, it would make the perfect accompaniment for any UK staycation, and all future adventures.
If you would like to learn more about the range of teddy bears across the Grin & Bear website, or even a bespoke project, Michael would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. The bears can even be customised by adding embroidery or a unique personal touch, our goal is to bring to life your unique teddy bear and ensure it reflects the things you hold closest to your heart. Feel free to complete the contact form on his website, and Michael will get back to you as soon as possible.