February 3, 2021

2020 has seen the international travel industry come to a halt, which means many families have not been able to go on holiday as planned. This may be quite a disappointment to your younger children who won’t necessarily understand why holidays abroad are having to be put on hold. You may be planning a staycation instead and looking for other ways to keep the summer holidays enjoyable for your little ones, so why not look at buying a holiday teddy bear and accompanying passport?
What is a teddy bear passport?
Although us humans may not be able to go on holiday this year, it doesn’t mean our teddy bears can’t. And of course, they wouldn’t be able to travel without their own passport, and here at Grin & Bear, we believe that our teddy bears deserve to travel with their own documentation. We have designed a special teddy bear passport that is exactly what your bears will need to record their adventures, and you can even keep track of their holidays across the world by creating your own teddy bear journal. All you need to do is make sure your teddy bear is packed and ready to go, just don’t forget their passport! Remember you are never too old to have a teddy, and they deserve to travel with you on your real and imaginary holidays.
Keeping things positive
Teddy bears are such a wonderful gift for children and adults alike. Especially in the world’s current climate, many people could really benefit from some positivity in their lives. With a teddy bear passport, you can engage your children in their learning journey and help them tell stories of their own, which is essential for their own self-development. Not only this, but it will help both you and your children to remember your staycation adventures for years to come. Especially if you are looking to explore your local area, you will never forget what you did each day and how you kept yourselves entertained throughout this lockdown - why not try to remember every moment?
Across the globe, people are even placing teddy bears around their neighbourhoods to brighten the mood of their area, so children can enjoy playing the game of spotting the bears. This is just one example of how teddy bears, as simple as they may seem, can help children feel more connected in such a personal way, which is so important at a time like this.
Lost Bears Returned to Owners
Although the idea of the teddy bear passport is a fun way for bears to travel with families, there is an additional benefit. How many treasured childrens’ teddy bears have been lost while on holiday, either at holiday locations or while packing up? A lost teddy is always a traumatic event for children and parents alike but with the teddy bear passport attached to the bear, the emergency contact information can be used to return the bear to its owner.
Would you like to buy a teddy bear?
Grin & Bear was founded by Michael, who is passionate about designing a wide range of teddy bears which can be customised by adding embroidery or a unique personal touch. If you are looking to buy a teddy bear of your own, or as a special gift, Michael would be more than happy to help you. Each of the bears he creates are 100% safe for children, so when accompanied with a teddy bear passport, this would be a wonderful lockdown gift, no matter whether you are able to go on holiday or not. Your teddy bear may be curious about the world, so why not let them explore your hometown and take them on adventures around your local area?
If you feel inclined to send your teddy bear on travel adventures this summer, be inspired by the wonderful world map bears which Michael recently designed for a client, featured in the picture above. You can even ask Michael to create your own bespoke bear, where you would work closely with our design team to ensure your key personalised elements are included in the design of your new forever friend. No matter which bear you decide to purchase, our goal is to bring to life your unique teddy bear and ensure it reflects the things you hold closest to your heart.
If you would like to learn more about our holiday bears, or any of the other bears we have listed on the website, Michael would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to complete the contact form on his website, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.
February 3, 2021

2020 has seen the international travel industry come to a halt, which means many families have not been able to go on holiday as planned. This may be quite a disappointment to your younger children who won’t necessarily understand why holidays abroad are having to be put on hold. You may be planning a staycation instead and looking for other ways to keep the summer holidays enjoyable for your little ones, so why not look at buying a holiday teddy bear and accompanying passport?
What is a teddy bear passport?
Although us humans may not be able to go on holiday this year, it doesn’t mean our teddy bears can’t. And of course, they wouldn’t be able to travel without their own passport, and here at Grin & Bear, we believe that our teddy bears deserve to travel with their own documentation. We have designed a special teddy bear passport that is exactly what your bears will need to record their adventures, and you can even keep track of their holidays across the world by creating your own teddy bear journal. All you need to do is make sure your teddy bear is packed and ready to go, just don’t forget their passport! Remember you are never too old to have a teddy, and they deserve to travel with you on your real and imaginary holidays.
Keeping things positive
Teddy bears are such a wonderful gift for children and adults alike. Especially in the world’s current climate, many people could really benefit from some positivity in their lives. With a teddy bear passport, you can engage your children in their learning journey and help them tell stories of their own, which is essential for their own self-development. Not only this, but it will help both you and your children to remember your staycation adventures for years to come. Especially if you are looking to explore your local area, you will never forget what you did each day and how you kept yourselves entertained throughout this lockdown - why not try to remember every moment?
Across the globe, people are even placing teddy bears around their neighbourhoods to brighten the mood of their area, so children can enjoy playing the game of spotting the bears. This is just one example of how teddy bears, as simple as they may seem, can help children feel more connected in such a personal way, which is so important at a time like this.
Lost Bears Returned to Owners
Although the idea of the teddy bear passport is a fun way for bears to travel with families, there is an additional benefit. How many treasured childrens’ teddy bears have been lost while on holiday, either at holiday locations or while packing up? A lost teddy is always a traumatic event for children and parents alike but with the teddy bear passport attached to the bear, the emergency contact information can be used to return the bear to its owner.
Would you like to buy a teddy bear?
Grin & Bear was founded by Michael, who is passionate about designing a wide range of teddy bears which can be customised by adding embroidery or a unique personal touch. If you are looking to buy a teddy bear of your own, or as a special gift, Michael would be more than happy to help you. Each of the bears he creates are 100% safe for children, so when accompanied with a teddy bear passport, this would be a wonderful lockdown gift, no matter whether you are able to go on holiday or not. Your teddy bear may be curious about the world, so why not let them explore your hometown and take them on adventures around your local area?
If you feel inclined to send your teddy bear on travel adventures this summer, be inspired by the wonderful world map bears which Michael recently designed for a client, featured in the picture above. You can even ask Michael to create your own bespoke bear, where you would work closely with our design team to ensure your key personalised elements are included in the design of your new forever friend. No matter which bear you decide to purchase, our goal is to bring to life your unique teddy bear and ensure it reflects the things you hold closest to your heart.
If you would like to learn more about our holiday bears, or any of the other bears we have listed on the website, Michael would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to complete the contact form on his website, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.
February 3, 2021

2020 has seen the international travel industry come to a halt, which means many families have not been able to go on holiday as planned. This may be quite a disappointment to your younger children who won’t necessarily understand why holidays abroad are having to be put on hold. You may be planning a staycation instead and looking for other ways to keep the summer holidays enjoyable for your little ones, so why not look at buying a holiday teddy bear and accompanying passport?
What is a teddy bear passport?
Although us humans may not be able to go on holiday this year, it doesn’t mean our teddy bears can’t. And of course, they wouldn’t be able to travel without their own passport, and here at Grin & Bear, we believe that our teddy bears deserve to travel with their own documentation. We have designed a special teddy bear passport that is exactly what your bears will need to record their adventures, and you can even keep track of their holidays across the world by creating your own teddy bear journal. All you need to do is make sure your teddy bear is packed and ready to go, just don’t forget their passport! Remember you are never too old to have a teddy, and they deserve to travel with you on your real and imaginary holidays.
Keeping things positive
Teddy bears are such a wonderful gift for children and adults alike. Especially in the world’s current climate, many people could really benefit from some positivity in their lives. With a teddy bear passport, you can engage your children in their learning journey and help them tell stories of their own, which is essential for their own self-development. Not only this, but it will help both you and your children to remember your staycation adventures for years to come. Especially if you are looking to explore your local area, you will never forget what you did each day and how you kept yourselves entertained throughout this lockdown - why not try to remember every moment?
Across the globe, people are even placing teddy bears around their neighbourhoods to brighten the mood of their area, so children can enjoy playing the game of spotting the bears. This is just one example of how teddy bears, as simple as they may seem, can help children feel more connected in such a personal way, which is so important at a time like this.
Lost Bears Returned to Owners
Although the idea of the teddy bear passport is a fun way for bears to travel with families, there is an additional benefit. How many treasured childrens’ teddy bears have been lost while on holiday, either at holiday locations or while packing up? A lost teddy is always a traumatic event for children and parents alike but with the teddy bear passport attached to the bear, the emergency contact information can be used to return the bear to its owner.
Would you like to buy a teddy bear?
Grin & Bear was founded by Michael, who is passionate about designing a wide range of teddy bears which can be customised by adding embroidery or a unique personal touch. If you are looking to buy a teddy bear of your own, or as a special gift, Michael would be more than happy to help you. Each of the bears he creates are 100% safe for children, so when accompanied with a teddy bear passport, this would be a wonderful lockdown gift, no matter whether you are able to go on holiday or not. Your teddy bear may be curious about the world, so why not let them explore your hometown and take them on adventures around your local area?
If you feel inclined to send your teddy bear on travel adventures this summer, be inspired by the wonderful world map bears which Michael recently designed for a client, featured in the picture above. You can even ask Michael to create your own bespoke bear, where you would work closely with our design team to ensure your key personalised elements are included in the design of your new forever friend. No matter which bear you decide to purchase, our goal is to bring to life your unique teddy bear and ensure it reflects the things you hold closest to your heart.
If you would like to learn more about our holiday bears, or any of the other bears we have listed on the website, Michael would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to complete the contact form on his website, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.